Sunday, September 7, 2014

I'm Still here

I've been through a lot of the past several months but I miss my little non-read blog. I have many blog posts in the works and am excited to write again.

I have a new goal and hope to not only reach my personal goal but to gain some readers in the process. Any mom bloggers out there have any advice for me? I'm not an expert at anything but I do enjoy writing and would like to connect with some other Moms that enjoy blogging. 

Any ideas?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Jelly Bean Prayer

I found this and thought it was can follow the link to the site and print a copy to use with your family.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

40 Days

Trying to explain Ash Wednesday to a five year old and a three year old is not a simple task. I spent sometime trying to explain Lent to my children; Easter is something my children understand but Lent and Ash Wednesday...not so much. This is what seemed to make the most sense. 

Lent is a period of time starting with today, Ash Wednesday, and going to Easter Sunday. During this time we give up something in order to receive something. (yes, enter the questions about what do we get but be patient and carry on.) We "spring clean" our lives so that we can live for God. We should clean out the things that we hold dear to us in order to hold God dear to us. Okay, so my five year old offered to give up bed time for lent (got to give her credit for trying) and my three year old offered television. (is it bad Mommie didn't want the kids to give that up because then I would NEVER get a moment of me time). So we decided on cutting back television time and giving up candy for Lent. 

We also are starting a new tradition with Jelly Beans. The kids each got a jar and we will fill the jar with Jelly beans as they earn them. On Easter they will each get their jars and will be able to eat their jelly beans. I found many ideas on the web about how to use jelly beans to help kids understand Easter and the following is a combination of ideas I found. I think this will be a fun way for them to get into Lent. 

The kids will earn different color jelly beans depending on their actions. 

Red stands for the blood of Christ
action: make a sacrifice (this was not an easy thing to explain)
Green stands for Palm's shade
action: do a good deed
Yellow stands for God's light
action: act of kindness
Orange stands for prayers at Twilight
action: good "night-night" prayers
Purple stands for His day of sorrow
action: saying you are sorry
Pink stands for new tomorrow
action: forgiving someone

How do you teach about Lent in your family?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Dr. Oz 3 day Detox Cleanse

Detox cleanse

I'm trying to get back in shape and this is how I am starting...anyone tried this cleanse? Any other cleanse?

Sunday, January 12, 2014


"God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs." Mathew 5:3

This verse means more than financial things to me. God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him...I know I'm poor and I know I have needs; I sometimes forget, however, that God is the one that supplies all my needs. I need to turn to God for all my worries, needs, wants, and concerns. I am poor in finanical ways but I am rich in so many others. God is taking care of me. I am in His hands and if I depend on him ALL my needs will be met!

This week I pray that God continue to bless me; I pray that God places me in the right places and introduces me to the right people. I pray that God reminds me that I am blessed beyond measure. Thanks be to God!